MOO Sale Campaigns

Role: Concepting, Art Direction, Graphic Design, Product Design, Project Management


During my time at MOO, I played a key role in numerous sale campaigns, from sitewide sales, to holiday sales, to product-specific sales. MOO sales involve a large number of assets and careful coordination with photographers, production artists, animators, and marketing stakeholders.

In addition to concepting, art direction and graphic design, I was also responsible for continually looking for ways to improve our process and efficiency, as well as meeting with stakeholders to discuss performance and optimizations for future sales.

January Sitewide Sale

Going into 2020, I was tasked with developing a new creative concept and strategy to be used across all sales for the upcoming year. Despite MOO’s online storefront, our products are physical and very tactile, and this informed the concept, which centered around a custom-built, premium sign, reminiscent of one you might see in a shop window. The January sale shown here was extended across, email, paid and organic social, search, and display advertising.

Animation developed for email and social media to promote the sale

Animation used toward the end of the campaign to incite urgency


The sign was fabricated out of glass and resin, designed by Nick Lerwill and myself, and produced by Atom Ltd. in London. We also had an existing hourglass (pictured above) customized with gold accents to match.


Product imagery on flyers, envelopes, all products, postcards

We intentionally kept the homepage focus on the sale sign and discount messaging, and brought product photography into other key sections of and on our social channels.


Holiday Sale

MOO’s 2019 holiday campaign required the development of visuals for a complete takeover of as well as digital and social advertising, direct mail, and email marketing assets. I was responsible for the creative concept and art direction in addition to managing the delivery of over 600 individual assets.


The campaign concept was inspired by festive holiday storefronts. Gold translucent blocks were used to elevate MOO products, inspiring customers to purchase their own suite of holiday items.

Below: A landing page for MOO Business Services


 Above: A 5x7” gold foil postcard sent to prospective customers
Below: A series of images used for social and digital advertising

April Product Sale

April Sale in 2018 was my first experience developing a sale concept at MOO, and it was also a cross-pond collaboration between the Boston and London offices. This sale featured business cards, stickers, and notebooks, and the hero photography needed to highlight these products as well as a prominent sale message.


 Localization is a challenge when producing global sale creative; we had to ensure the concept worked across numerous languages (as seen below).


The concept for April sale emphasized product details like gold foil — magnification was used to highlight these special finishes.


Project Teams

January Sitewide Sale: Tais Sirote (photography), James Burrows & Emily Wheeler (retouching), Ed Ross (copy), Matt Field (animation)

Holiday Sale: Georgie Lord & Rob Wilson (photography), Alicia Costa & James Burrows (retouching), Kim Watson (copy), Matt Field (animation)

April Product Sale: Millie Davies (concepting, art direction), Georgie Lord (photography), Alicia Costa (retouching), Ed Ross (copy), Matt Field (animation)


EF Ultimate Break Homepage Redesign


MOO Social Content