The Roame Hotel and Bar Brand Identity
Role: Concepting, Branding, Art Direction
As part of MOO’s social and content strategy, the creative team developed highly detailed (but sadly fictional) businesses to display MOO’s premium paper and fancy foil finishes. In this case, I was asked to develop an identity system and product suite for an unnamed boutique hotel, and bring it to life through photography and animation.
The Roame Hotel & Bar was dreamed up as a refuge for the global traveler. The brand identity is designed to be inviting and trustworthy, and draws inspiration from classic hotels, while mixing in contemporary elements.
Color played an important role in creating the look and feel I wanted to achieve; rich jewel tones feel luxurious and traditional while brighter, poppier colors provide a balance and imply a lively atmosphere.
I’ve found in my own travel experiences that sometimes the best discoveries come from exploration without a destination in mind; this idea informed the criss-crossing line element seen on several pieces.
Project Team
Photography: Tais Sirote
Copywriter: Kim Watson
Production Artist: Emily Wheeler
Videographer: Razvan Pestean